Landmark Conference in Southeast Asia I have been fortunate to participate in many wonderful nutrition conferences across the country in recent years, each of which has been meaningful and special in its own way, but Low Carb Indonesia—which took place last month in the bustling megalopolis of Jakarta—left me at a loss for words. Well,…


We’ve been told for decades that saturated fat is public health enemy number one. It’s been easy for us to buy this argument because it sounds so simple,  obvious and logical: eating fat should make us fat. Since we know that obesity is associated with all kinds of other serious health conditions, it has been tempting for researchers and the general public to blame saturated…


If you have a brain, you need to know about ketogenic diets. The fact that these specially-formulated low-carbohydrate diets have the power to stop seizures in their tracks is concrete evidence that food has a tremendous impact on brain chemistry and should inspire curiosity about how they work.


Analysis of the mid-Victorian period in the U.K. reveals that life expectancy at age 5 was as good or better than exists today, and the incidence of degenerative disease was 10% of ours. Their levels of physical activity and hence calorific intakes were approximately twice ours. They had relatively little access to alcohol and tobacco;…


For reasons I’m still struggling to understand, the idea of “nutritional ketosis” (NK, to be distinguished from starvation ketosis, SK or diabetic ketoacidosis, DKA) is often discussed and debated in much the same way as religion or politics.  Perhaps this can be said of all nutrition, which is a shame.  Nevertheless, in my continued defiance…


Last year I started a nutritional self experiment. Almost half a year later I think it’s time to share my experiences. Admittedly, I’m going on a bit of a tangent here compared to what I usually want to write about. But this journey still has its roots in something which is not so unrelated.


Low-carb diets have been controversial for decades.  They were originally demonized by fat-phobic health professionals and the media.  People believed that these diets would raise cholesterol and cause heart disease because of the high fat content.  However… times are changing.