The Diet-Heart Myth: Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Are Not the Enemy
Chris KresserUnfortunately, cardiovascular disease is one of the most misdiagnosed and mistreated conditions in medicine. We’ve learned a tremendous amount about what causes heart disease over the past decade, but the medical establishment is still operating on outdated science from 40-50 years ago.
Read More >>Saturated fat does not clog the arteries: coronary heart disease is a chronic inflammatory condition, the risk of which can be effectively reduced from healthy lifestyle interventions
Aseem Malhotra, Rita F Redberg, Pascal MeierCoronary artery disease pathogenesis and treatment urgently requires a paradigm shift. Despite popular belief among doctors and the public, the conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe is just plain wrong.
Read More >>Rebuttal to ‘Firestorm’ Over Advice on Statins on People’s Pharmacy Podcast
David DiamondOn July 30, David Dimond shared a podcast on the “People’s Pharmacy” with Dr. Steven Nissen, in which they discussed research on diet, heart disease, cholesterol and statins. There has been a firestorm of controversy in response to his remarks on the program, including accusations by Dr. Navar in an op-ed and by Dr. Wachter…
Read More >>Statin wars: have we been misled about the evidence? A narrative review
Maryanne Demasi PhDStatins are the most widely prescribed, cholesterol-lowering drugs in the world. Despite the expiration of their patents, revenue for statins is expected to rise, with total sales on track to reach an estimated US$1 trillion by 2020. A bitter dispute has erupted among doctors over suggestions that statins should be prescribed to millions of healthy people…
Read More >>Does Carnitine from Red Meat Cause Heart Disease?
Georgia Ede, MDA few days ago, a brand new study by Dr. Stanley Hazen’s group at the Cleveland Clinic was published, incriminating an unfamiliar ingredient within red meat as the cause of heart disease. The New York Times trumpeted: “CULPRIT IN HEART DISEASE GOES BEYOND MEAT’S FAT“. This article received a lot of attention, so I was asked…
Read More >>New Study Finds Saturated Fat Causes PTSD… or Does It?
Georgia Ede, MDWe’ve been told for decades that saturated fat is public health enemy number one. It’s been easy for us to buy this argument because it sounds so simple, obvious and logical: eating fat should make us fat. Since we know that obesity is associated with all kinds of other serious health conditions, it has been tempting for researchers and the general public to blame saturated…
Read More >>How the Mid-Victorians Worked, Ate and Died
Paul Clayton; and Judith RowbothamAnalysis of the mid-Victorian period in the U.K. reveals that life expectancy at age 5 was as good or better than exists today, and the incidence of degenerative disease was 10% of ours. Their levels of physical activity and hence calorific intakes were approximately twice ours. They had relatively little access to alcohol and tobacco;…
Read More >>The cholesterol and calorie hypotheses are both dead – it is time to focus on the real culprit: insulin resistance
Maryanne Demasi; Robert H Lustig; Aseem MalhotraEmerging evidence shows that insulin resistance is the most important predictor of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Read More >>What Is Cholesterol?
Georgia Ede, MDPoor cholesterol—so misunderstood. All animal cells require cholesterol for proper structure and function. The vast majority of cholesterol in the body does not come directly from foods like eggs and meat, but from the liver, which can make cholesterol out of anything we eat. So, if cholesterol-rich foods don’t cause high cholesterol, what does?