A few days ago, a brand new study by Dr. Stanley Hazen’s group at the Cleveland Clinic was published, incriminating an unfamiliar ingredient within red meat as the cause of heart disease.  The New York Times trumpeted: “CULPRIT IN HEART DISEASE GOES BEYOND MEAT’S FAT“.  This article received a lot of attention, so I was asked…


A study was published in the British Journal of Pharmacology and is entitled “High fat diet-induced metabolic disorders impairs serotonergic function and anxiety-like behaviours in mice.”  We have been (wrongly) told for decades by public health officials that dietary fat is unhealthy, so we tend to take articles that support this belief at face value,…


The Times of London published an article entitled “Eat Yourself Smarter? Try dark chocolate, green salad — and gum“ Articles like this one always get my goat (maybe that’s why I haven’t seen my goat in such a long time).  Create a hopeful headline, toss in a bunch of studies that support your headline (without references so I have…


We’ve been told for decades that saturated fat is public health enemy number one. It’s been easy for us to buy this argument because it sounds so simple,  obvious and logical: eating fat should make us fat. Since we know that obesity is associated with all kinds of other serious health conditions, it has been tempting for researchers and the general public to blame saturated…