News & Blog

Sharing information related to metabolic health and lifestyle interventions.


Low-Carb Lifestyle Helped Board Certified Obesity Medicine Physician Change His Own Life & Lives of Countless Patients

By Chris S. Cornell | February 5, 2021

Dr. Tro Kalayjian Hopes to Help Other Practitioners As Founding Board Member of SMHP Many forces must align in order to launch a non-profit organization like the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP), with the lofty mission of representing and supporting researchers and practitioners around the world as they work to improve metabolic health. One…


Low Carb Clinical Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes Among Goals of New Nonprofit, SMHP

By Chris S. Cornell | November 29, 2020

Adele Hite, RD, PhD, Optimistic About Future of Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction   When Dr. Adele Hite starts talking about the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP), her enthusiasm is palpable. That’s because to Adele—a registered dietician with a PhD in rhetoric, communication, and digital media—the newly launched non-profit organization has the potential to usher in…


Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP) Will Provide Education, Resources and Support to Low Carb Practitioners

By Chris S. Cornell | November 2, 2020

SMHP will strive to represent all researchers and practitioners working to improve metabolic health around the world, through education, training, and support of evidence-based nutritional approaches, including carbohydrate restriction, as a valid therapeutic option or intervention.