SMHP Founding Member, Volunteer, Committee Member, LowCarbUSA® Co-founder Pam Devine Earns Metabolic Health Practitioner (MHP) Accreditation

Metabolic health is increasingly being recognized as a pivotal player in the prevention and management of numerous medical conditions. The Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (The SMHP™) plays a vital role in this recognition, having crafted a rigorous accreditation process that certifies clinicians’ and non-clinicians’ understanding and competence in dietary and lifestyle interventions addressing metabolic […]
A Tribute to Mariana de Abreu Bastian: Low Carb Brasil Organizer Tragically Killed in Crash Along with Son

We are stunned and deeply saddened to let you know of another tragic death of one of our dear SMHP members. 41-year-old Mariana de Abreu Bastian and her 5-year-old son were hit by an alleged drunk driver in the early morning hours this past Sunday. The accident happened on her way home in the south […]
A Tribute to Dr. Adele Hite

It was with utter devastation that I, and the rest of our SMHP Board members, learned of the passing of Dr. Adele Hite a few days ago. I’ve been wanting to write this since it happened but I have been, and still am, struggling to find the words. I was introduced to Adele back in […]
Why ‘Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction’ (or ‘Reduction’) May Communicate the Message Better than ‘Keto’ or ‘Low Carb’

Adele Hite, PhD, MHP, RDN, weighs in on the importance of the words being used to define the low-carb space We’ve recently seen a noticeable increase in the use of the terms therapeutic carbohydrate restriction and therapeutic carbohydrate reduction (both abbreviated with the letters TCR), to describe the low carb way of eating, particularly when […]
When COVID-19 Shrinks Away, Our Obesity and Diabetes Epidemic Will Still be Growing

One year ago One morning, a little more than a year ago, I remember taking my dogs out to go pee. As I stood by the side of my house, I heard a voice screaming. When I turned my head, I saw my neighbor two houses away angrily chastising me for not wearing a mask […]
When the Standard of Care Failed Her Son, Raffi, Miriam Kalamian had to Search for Her Own Answers

SMHP Board Member Continues Push to Make Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction an Accepted Option for Cancer Patients Miriam Kalamian, EdM, MS, CNS is a nutrition consultant, educator, speaker and author specializing in the implementation of ketogenic therapies, and she’s a founding board member of the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners. Miriam’s focus on helping people use […]
Transforming Lives Through Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction

Amanda Decker, a nurse practitioner in rural Tennessee, becomes one of the first to receive MHP accreditation from the SMHP Like a growing number of practitioners, Amanda Decker, MSN, FNP-C, MHP, became frustrated when she came to the realization a few years ago that many of her patients were getting sicker, despite her best efforts […]
“It turned my life around, and it restored hope, where I absolutely had none…” —Nick Norwitz, PhD

Harvard Medical School student used ketogenic diet to reverse life-threatening illness; becomes one of first practitioners accredited by the SMHP We’ve long been aware of the epidemic of obesity and metabolic disease facing countries across the globe, and of the many ways therapeutic carbohydrate restriction can be used to reverse the devastating effects of both. […]