Why Reversal?
Although diabetes experts prefer to use the term “remission” to refer to how type 2 diabetes can swivel into reverse, this website uses the term “reversal” to reflect the fact that remission can be permanent, so long as carbohydrates continue to be restricted. Also, “reversal” is a more hopeful term. For this reason, “reversal,” was promoted by the late Dr. Sarah Hallberg (1971-2022), a pioneer in the field of diabetes research and patient care. This website was created as a legacy to her work.
An Intro to Diabetes Reversal
For an introduction to this topic, see Dr. Hallberg’sTEDx talk,
which has now been viewed 11M times.
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes with Nutritional Approaches
Free online course:
This course explains both why people get type 2 diabetes and the evidence-based options for reversal. The course also includes practical tips and tools from two doctors on how patients and providers can reverse type 2. The full course is 4.0 hours, but you can also select just some of the videos to watch. We hope to provide CME credits for this course in the near future.
Nina Teicholz, PhD & Ron Krauss, MD
Ben Bikman, PhD
Nina Teicholz, PhD, with video of Dr. Sarah Hallberg.
Jeff Volek, PhD
Laura Saslow, PhD
Tony Hampton, MD; Ronesh Sinha, MD
Moderators: Nina Teicholz, PhD & Ron Krauss, MD
Panelists: All faculty
Once you have completed the course, the button below will take you to a form you must fill out in order to receive CME credit.