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Using Lifestyle to Reverse Obesity & Metabolic Disease, Eliminate Back Pain 
Elie Jarrouge, MD, talks about his own inspiring health journey & his plans to attend upcoming Symposium for Metabolic Health Dr. Elie Jarrouge is a board certified internal medicine...
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He Lost 100 Pounds After Implementing Ketogenic Lifestyle
Vic Basmadjian is Now a Nutrition Network Certified Nutrition Advisor & Helping Others; Looking Forward to Attending The SMHP’s Symposium for Metabolic Health  When Vic Basmadjian...
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Symposiums for Metabolic Health: Changing the Lives of Patients & Family Members
Maurice St. Martin (aka Dr. Moe) Enthusiastic About Upcoming San Diego Conference He’s known as Dr. Moe, and if you attend the upcoming Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (TheSMHP™)...
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SMHP to Absorb LowCarbUSA® Conferences
The Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP) this month has assumed management of the conferences previously presented by LowCarbUSA®. The events, previously known as “Low Carb...
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A Tribute to Dr. Adele Hite
It was with utter devastation that I, and the rest of our SMHP Board members, learned of the passing of Dr. Adele Hite a few days ago.  I’ve been wanting to write this since it...
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After Discovering Low Carb through Podcast While in Med School, Married Couple is Now Teaming Up with SMHP to Spread Word About Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction
Dr. Laura Buchanan and Dr. Matthew Calkins Plan to Implement Nutrition Curriculums at Medical Schools and in Residencies The Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners recently announced...
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Adele Hite Honored with SMHP Achievement Award for Leadership in Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction
The Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP) earlier this month presented Adele Hite, PhD, MPH, RD, with the SMHP Achievement Award “in recognition of her unprecedented contribution...
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“Stay Off My Operating Table” —Philip Ovadia, MD
Cardiac surgeon who used carbohydrate restriction to overcome obesity & restore metabolic health is now helping patients avoid heart disease & surgery Over the past 15 years,...
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Why 'Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction' (or 'Reduction') May Communicate the Message Better than 'Keto' or 'Low Carb'
Adele Hite, PhD, MHP, RDN, weighs in on the importance of the words being used to define the low-carb space We’ve recently seen a noticeable increase in the use of the terms therapeutic...
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When COVID-19 Shrinks Away, Our Obesity and Diabetes Epidemic Will Still be Growing
One year ago One morning, a little more than a year ago, I remember taking my dogs out to go pee. As I stood by the side of my house, I heard a voice screaming. When I turned my head,...

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